Study shows faster return to work with chiropractic

chiropractic care gets you back to work fast! | Burnaby and New Westminster | Pacific Health Sports Therapy
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80% of people will experience low back pain in their lifetime, and many of those will have to take time off work as a result of it.

A recent study examined a year of data from Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) consisting of 5,511 workers. It showed that workers who sought chiropractic care for their low back pain were able to return to work faster than those that saw physiotherapists. This means less time away from work, less time suffering with pain, less of a financial burden to WorkSafeBC, and lastly less cost and stress to employers.

Chiropractic care provides a well rounded approach to low back pain by treating the cause of the pain, whether it be muscles, joints, nerves, or a disc. After performing a movement and orthopedic examination, chiropractors are well equipped to help you return back to work without taking up too much time from your day- Letting you get your mind off of pain and stress, knowing that chiropractic care is a great way to get fast, effective relief.

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